Showing 1–12 of 25 results

ALIEN-70- Metribuzin 70% WP

Allien-70 ( Metribuzin 70% WP ) is combination which is is a selective, systemic and contact herbicide of Triazinone group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean and wheat. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post emergence applications. It controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds.
Mode of Action:Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation in the xylem. It inhibits photosynthesis. It acts on both grasses and broad leaf weeds.Targeted Crops:paddy, wheat, sugarcane ,Soyabean, Potato, TomatoTargeted Weeds:

Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Asphodelus fistulosus, Chenopodium, Convolvulus arvensis, Portulaca oleracea, Anagallis arvensis, Chichoriumintbus, Echinochloa colorium, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Pacherium hysterophorus, Commelina spp.Digitaria spp., Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus campestris, Borreria spp., Eragrostis spp

Chlorwin-Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP

Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP is a herbicide that contains Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP. It is used for selective, systemic, and post-emergence control of weeds in transplanted paddy and soybean. The product works at a low dosage of 15 grams per acre and effectively controls most major broad-leaved weeds and sedges in soybean.Recommended Crops : Soyabean, RiceTargeted Weeds : oth broad leaf weeds and sedges: P.niruri, C.rotundus, C.benghalensis, etcDose: 15 g/Acre

FERVIN- Fenoxaprop-P- Ethyle 9.3% EC

Fenoxaprop p ethyl 9.3 % EC is a post emergent selective herbicide having action against Echinochloa sp & Other grassy narrow-leaved weeds. . Fenox also has action on the broad spectrum of grasses.
Mode of Action:Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of the grassy weeds. Biochemically, Fenoxa predominantly inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids in the meristem tissues of the grassy weeds.Targeted Crops:Black Gram, Cotton, Rice (Transplanted), SoybeanTargeted Weeds:

Echinochloa Colonum, Echinochloa Crusgalli, Digitaria Sp., Dactyloctenium Aegyptium, Echinochloa Sp.

GHOKIRA- Quizalophos Ethyl 10 % EC

GHOKIRA is a Selective, systemic post-emergence Grassy Herbicide. GHOKIRA belongs to a new chemical class of the Aryloxy phenoxy-propionates group. It acts as an Acetyl CoA Carboxylase inhibitor. GHOKIRA is safe for broadleaf crops. GHOKIRA has excellent translocation activity and absorbed by leaves within one hour – rain fastness. It gets trans-located in the whole plant within one day. Weed leaves turn purplish/red within 5-8 days after GHOKIRA application and within 10-15 days are completely killed. GHOKIRA is safe for the operators and wildlife and it does not cause environmental hazards due to its less dose. Quizalofop Ethyl is a selective systemic herbicide, has a high selectivity between grass weeds & dicotyledons crop. It is absorbed in a few hours by the stem and leave & conducted to the whole body of annual weeds in 24 hours, mainly accumulating in the top organs & intraformational meristem. Weeds conduct Quizalofop Ethyl rapidly to the subterranean stem after administration, having its internode & growth point destroyed & lose reproductivity.Mode of Action:Selective, Systemic Herbicide of Aryloxy Phenoxy-propionate groupTargeted Crops:Soybean, Cotton, Groundnut, Black gram, OnionTargeted Weeds:All narrow leaf weeds, Echinochloa (Sawak), Eleusine (Goosegrass), Wild sorghum, Cynodon (doob grass), Saccharum (kans), Johnson grass, Large crabgrass, Volunteer paddy, Jowar, Pearl Millet, Maize, etc.

Glunium-Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% SL

Glunium-Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% SL is a non-selective, post emergence herbicide recommended for control of annual and perennial weeds infesting tea gardens, cotton crops and Non-crop area. It contains 15% weight /volume Glufosinate ammonium (a.i.) which is equal to 13.5% on weight / weight basis.Recommended Crops : Cotton,TeaTargeted Weeds :Cynodon Dactylon, Cyperus Rotundus, Dactyloteneum Aegyptium, Digitaria Marginata.Dose:1000-1200 ml/acre.

Kibben – Imazethapyr 10% SL

It is a systemic herbicide, absorbed by the roots and foliage with translocation in the xylem and phloem accumulation in the meristematic regions. Disrupts protein and DNA synthesis. It controls many grasses, broad leaf weeds and sedges. Residual action on the weeds -gives longer weed control. Safe for subsequent cropsApplicable crops Soyabean,Dosage 400 ml/acreMethod of application Foliar applicationSpectrum For controlling most weeds in a leguminous cropCompatibility Must not be applied with any chemical exept sticking agentFrequency of application Repeat application of weedicide not allowd Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. Click on ‘Need Expert Help’ button for more information.Crop Stage Must be sprayed after 10-15 days of germinationImportant Note weed stage 1-2 leaf stage 

Kibben Plus- Imazethapyr 70% WG

Imazethapyr 70% WG is selective herbicide to be used in soybean for control of grasses and broad leaf weeds Kibben Plus contain Imazethapyr 70% WG It is a selective and broad-spectrum herbicide. Kibben Plus has both contact & residual activity. It belongs to Imidazolinone group of herbicides, which inhibits the Photosynthesis. Kibben Plus is used as early post-emergence herbicide. Kibben Plus has both root and soil activity. It is translocated in the xylem and phloem and accumulated to meristematic region. It has residual Control it kills both weeds that emerged as well as the ones that will emerge after a few days It gives early control of weeds hence no competition of weeds and Soybean crop results in better yields. It is easy to use and give long duration control. Green color toxicity triangle makes it safer to crops. It is used for both narrow and broad leaf weeds in soybean. Ensure sufficient soil moisture during spray. It should be use only once. It has no residual effect on follow crops except mustard. It has good rain fastness of 1 hour. Result can be seen within 7-8 days. Very low use rate thus Cost effective. No need of booster and spreader. No phytotoxicity when applied as recommended dose.

Lager Plus 41- Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG

Lager Plus 41 is an Ammonium salt of Glyphosate 71% S.G. which is a non-selective, post-emergence herbicide for the control of annual perennial, broadleaf and grassy weeds. Lager Plus 41 when applied to foliage reaches the roots and rhizomes of the plant by the process of translocation, thus destroying the weeds from below the ground. It is especially effective against the difficult to control weeds.Mode of Action: Lager Plus 41 is a non-selective, systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus group, which inhibits the EPPS synthesis in weed plant. Due to its non-selective action it kills all types of weeds.Benefits: Lager Plus 41 is absorbed by the weed plants very rapidly and kills the plant from the root with 7-12 days after its application. Apart from annual and perennial weeds it also kills the aquatic weeds efficiently. Lager Plus 41 kills all types of weeds if sprayed in open fields, bunds and water channels. It does not affect the germination of ensuing crops and any crop can be grown after its application.Dosage & Dilution: Tea & Non Crop area-3.0 kg/Hectare

Lager-41(Green) Glyphosate 41% SL

Lager-41 ( Glyphosate 41% SL ) is a non-selective systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus (Glycine and phosphonales) group, which inhibits the EPSP synthesis in weed plants. It controls very effectively both annual and perennial weeds. After spraying Roundup, it is absorbed by the weed plants and translocates up to roots and kills all types of weeds completely. It is also used to control weeds in plantation crops, water channels, bunds and open fields.Recommended Crops : Open FieldsTargeted Weeds : All types of narrow and broad leavesDose: 0.8 to 1.2 ltr/Acre

Lager-41(Yellow) Glyphosate 41% SL

Lager-41 ( Glyphosate 41% SL ) is a non-selective systemic herbicide of Organophosphorus (Glycine and phosphonales) group, which inhibits the EPSP synthesis in weed plants. It controls very effectively both annual and perennial weeds. After spraying Roundup, it is absorbed by the weed plants and translocates up to roots and kills all types of weeds completely. It is also used to control weeds in plantation crops, water channels, bunds and open fields.Recommended Crops : Open FieldsTargeted Weeds : All types of narrow and broad leavesDose: 0.8 to 1.2 ltr/Acre

MET ZONE- Metsulfuron Methyl 20%

MET ZONE contains Metsulfuron-methyl 20% WP MET ZONE is a selective herbicide MET ZONE is a post–emergent herbicide It belongs to Triazinyl-sulfonylurea group of herbicides MET ZONE is a systemic herbicide with contact and residual action Its half-life period in the soil is only a few days so no effect on the follow crops. It has good compatibility with other pesticides. MET ZONE is completely safe to wheat crop MET ZONE has both foliar and soil activity It has good rain-fastness after 4 hours of application. Low use rate herbicideMode of Action:
  • (Metsulfuron-methyl) is rapidly taken up by plants at the roots and on foliage.
  • It is rapidly translocated within the plants and accumulate in the growing parts / meristematic tissues.
  • It Inhibits cell division in both roots as well as in shoots.
  • Due to the inhibition of cell division plant growth check.
Targeted Crops:Wheat,Paddy,SugarcaneTargeted Weeds:Chenopodium album, Melilotus indica, Melilotus alba, Medicago hispida, Lathyrus aphaca, Anagallis arvensiss, Vicia saliva, Vicia hirsura, Circium arvense,Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora, Marsilea quadrifoliata, Fimbristylis spp

NewroGold-Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC

Newrogold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC is a post emergence broad spectrum herbicide effective against grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds of rice cropRecommended Crops : RiceTargeted Weeds :Grasses, sedges and broad leaf weedsDose: 200-250 ml/Acre