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DYNAMIC-Paclobutazole 23% SC

MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS OF USING DYNAMIC Increases Synchronized Flowering the use of DYNAMIC along with good cultural practices, can advance and stimulate the flowering in Mango & other Plants. It Increases Chlorophyll content. Development of Better & Early Fruit Thus Effects on Enhancing Fruit Quality : Better Color & Size of Fruit. Enhanced maturation and yield is also observed. Controlling the Foliage Growth It Helps in a balanced foliage and in the reduction of vegetative growth and pruning. It Helps in Developing Tolerance in Plants Against Various Environmental Stress. Paclobutrazol also helps in Creating Resistance against Fungal Diseases.This Plant Growth Regulator is Used For Mango , Onion , Carrot . Garlic , Groundnut , Cashew Nut , Potato , Soybean , Black gram , Peas , Green Gram ,. Chilly , Tomato , Cauliflower , Sponge Gourd , Brinjal & All Other Major Vegetable CropsDosage for Mango:
  • 7 – 15 Year = 15 ml
  • 16- 25Year = 20 ml
  • 25Year = 30 ml

ETHEPON-Ethipon 39% SL

It is a versatile plant growth regulator which improves coloration and accelerates uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango, tomato, etc. It can be deployed in specific uses like defoliation in pomegranate and breaking alternate bearing in mango.Benefits: Improve coloration and accelerate uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango tomato. Helps in breaking alternate bearing of mango and induces profuse flowering.Major Crops: Mango, Pineapple, Coffee, Tomato, Rubber, PomegranateDose/Acre:150 ml / acre

Hiroki-Jibberellic Acid 0.001% L

Hiroki Helps crop overcome herbicide stress. Improves vigor, vitality and yeild after exposure to biotic, abiotic stress.Dosage 30 ml/pump Method of application Spray Spectrum Increase photosynthesis ,boot flowering and fruting,reduses flower and fruit fall, increases yield and quality Compatibility Compatible with most pesticides Applicable crops All Crops

HUNTER-Organic Manure

  • Useful & effective Combination of biogas slurry from 40µm filter and rich in microorganisms. It is rich in organic carbon, humic acid and amino acids. Being a liquid-form compound, it can be used in any stage of the crop.
  • 100% of the available forms of organic carbon & Humic acid.
  • Increases the activity of microbes in the soil.
  • Rich source of all the nutrients needed for plants and crops.
  • Being liquid form can be easily used by drip and spray methods.
  • The use of harmful chemical fertilizers can be reduced.
  • Free from weeds and other harmful microorganisms as they are filtered.
  • Being rich in organic carbon increases soil biomass can be used at any stage of crop.

SYN Balwan-GR-Organic Manure

It is a high quality 100% organic product for gardening and organic farming.  Manure is used as a soil additive, conditioner, and fertilizer. Manure functions to add humus and organic matter to the soil providing bioavailable nutrients to the plants, increasing soil tilth. Manure helps store nutrients and keeps them safe from leeching and irrigation.Care Instructions Store in cool and dry place Keep this product away from the reach of the Children. If ingested, consult physician immediatelyBenefits This pack is sufficient for a plant potted in a pot having 5-6 inch upper diameter for 1 year Improves soil quality Helps to balance soil pH Completely organic product 100% Chemical free