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Double Hit-Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC

Double Hit-Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC is a combination insecticide having quick stomach and contact activity and is recommended to control Aphids, jassids, Thrips & Bollworms in Cotton, Aphid, shootfly, steam borer in Maize, Leaf hopper, leaf eating caterpillars in Groundnut, Stem fly, semilooper, girdle beetle in Soyaben, Thrips & fruit borer in Chilli, Thrips, semilooper, tea mosquito bug in Tea, Thrips, whiteflies, fruit borer in Tomato crop.

Lazo-Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG

We have prepared a special treatment for you to control Pink Bollworm,American bollworm,Tobacco caterpillar,Pod borer,Leaf miner,cutworm,Shoot and fruit borer,Diamond back moth This treatment has one insecticide which is helpful to healthy growth of the crop.Applicable crops Cotton,Chilli,Okra,Pigeon pea,tomato,onion,Soyabean,cabbage cauliflower Spectrum Pink Bollworm,American bollworm,Tobacco caterpillar,Pod borer,Leaf miner,cutworm,Shoot and fruit borer,Diamond back moth Method of application Spray Dosage 10 gram/pump

QUINCYPER-Cypermethrin 3% + Quinalphos 20% EC

It is used to control shoot and fruit borer of brinjal and American bollworm and jassid of cotton.Chemical Composition: Cypermethrin3% + Quinalphos 20% ECDosage: Brinjal:140-160 ml/acre Cotton:400-500 ml/acreMethod of Application: Foliar SpraySpectrum: Brinjal: Fruit borer, Shoot borer; Cotton: American bollworm, Jassids, Spotted bollworm.Compatibility: Compatible with most chemicals.Frequency of Application: Depends on pest incidence or severity of the disease.Applicable Crops: Brinjal, Cotton. 

Syno-20-Chloropyrifos 20% EC

It is a broad spectrum insecticide effectively control many pest in many crops like Borers, Sucking pest and Soil pest like termite.Applicable crops Paddy (Rice),Beans,Gram,Sugarcane,Cotton,Groundnut Mustard,Brinjal,Cabbage,Onion,Apple,Ber,Citrus,Tobacco Dosage Paddy (Rice)-600-750ml/Acre; Beans-1200 ml/Acre, Gram-1000ml/Acre, Sugarcane-500-600ml/Acre, Cotton-500-1500 ml/Acre, Groundnut-400-450ml/Acre, Mustard-200ml/Acre, Brinjal-400ml/Acre, Cabbage-800ml/Acre, Onion-2000ml/Acre, Apple-1500-2000ml/Acre Ber-900-1200ml/Acre, Citrus-600-800ml/Acre, Tobacco-700ml/AcreMethod of applicationFoliar Spray:Paddy (Rice),Beans,Gram,Sugarcane,Cotton,Groundnut Mustard,Brinjal,Cabbage,Onion,Apple,Ber,Citrus,Tobacco.Seed treatment1. Wheat: 3-4 ml/kg seed2. Barley: 4-6 ml/kg seed3. Gram: 15-30 ml/kg seedSoil treatment1) Wheat: 800-1000ml/Acre. 2) Sugarcane: 2500ml/Acre. Spectrum Paddy (Rice):Hispa,Leaf folder,Gall midge, Stem borer, Whorl maggot, Beans:Pod borer, Black bug ,Gram:Cut worm, Sugarcane:Black bug,Early shoot & stalk borer,Pyrilla;Cotton:Aphid, Bollworm, Whitefly,Cut worm; Groundnut:Aphid,Root grub;Mustard:Aphid;Brinjal:Shoot & fruit borer; Cabbage:Diamond back moth; Onion:Root grub;Apple:Aphid, Ber:Leaf hopper;Citrus:Black citrus, Aphid;Tobacco:Ground beetle Compatibility Compatibility with other Insecticides, Fungicide 

Weera-Diafenthiuron 50% WP

Weera (Diafenthiuron 50% WP) belongs to a unique chemical group allowing control of insects and mites resistant to major chemical classes such as OPs or Pyrethroids. Weera controls nymphs and adults and gives longer lasting control. Weera degrades into a urea derivative resulting in a phytotonic effect & selective to beneficial insects thus best fit in IPM programs.It is a pro-insecticide, which has first to be converted to its active form. The active compound then acts on a specific part of the energy-producing enzymes in the mitochondria. This results in immediate paralysis of the pest after intake or contact with the product.CropsCotton,Cabbage,Brinjal,Chilli,Cardamom,Citrus Targeted PestWhiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Jassids, Diamond Back Moth, Mites,Capsule Borer Features & BenefitsWeera is a broad spectrum insecticide which controls sucking complex and mites as well. Weera has trans laminar action, which allows control of hidden pests in plant canopy & has vapour action and works well in dense crops and in large fields. Weera has quick knockdown through immediate paralysis of the pest.Pager is safe to beneficial insects & suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme.