Synthi-Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% WP
Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP (Synthi) is a selective, systemic and pre emergence herbicide which effectively controls the various weeds of transplanted rice.
Recommended Crops : Transplanted Rice
Targeted Weeds : Cyperus iria, Cyperus difformis, Fimbrystylis miliacea Monochoria vaginalis Ludwigia parviflora
Dose: 0.01-0.015 Kg/Acre
Do not use cooking utensils for preparing sprays. Use stick for stirring the spray solution. Wear hand gloves to avoid contact with the skin. Also avoid inhalation and contact with eyes. Wear protective clothing, mask, goggles, boots, while spraying and do not expose yourself to spray drift. Do not blow nozzles with mouth. Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling or applying the product. Do not store unused spray solution. Clean sprayers, buckets and other utensils with water daily after use. Wash hands with soap and plenty of water and change clothes after the work is over. Also wash the contaminated clothes. DO NOT allow spray to drift onto rivers, lakes, ponds, ditches or other waterways. DO NOT allow discharging left over spray material or empty containers to contaminate waterways.
Direction of Use:
Measure out required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water as specified through agitation for total coverage of crop with suitable sprayers.
Symptoms Of Poisoning:
Poisoning symptoms in rodents are non-specific, may cause symptoms of ataxia, salivation, lachrymation and decreased breathing etc.
No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatic therapy.
First Aid:
Remove the affected person from the danger zone to a well-ventilated room or to fresh air and protect from under cooling. IN CASE OF SUSPECTED POISONING: Immediately call a physician. IN CASE OF SKIN CONTACT: remove contaminated clothing and thoroughly wash the affected parts of the body with soap and water. IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT: Rinse eyes with clean water for several minutes and immediately call a physician. IN CASE OF INGESTION: Repeatedly administer medicinal charcoal in a large quantity of water. NOTE: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Do not induce vomiting.
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- (Metsulfuron-methyl) is rapidly taken up by plants at the roots and on foliage.
- It is rapidly translocated within the plants and accumulate in the growing parts / meristematic tissues.
- It Inhibits cell division in both roots as well as in shoots.
- Due to the inhibition of cell division plant growth check.
SERENE-50- Pretilachlor 50% EC
All narrow and broad leaf weeds- Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum Cyperusdifformis Cyperusiria Fimbristylismilliacea Eclipta alba Ludwigiapulviflora Leptochloachinensis Monochorea vaginalis Panicumrepens
SYN GOLD- Oxyflourfen 23.5 % EC
- Trusted by onion farmers over decades with pre-emergence as well as targeted post-emergence activity.
- As pre-emergence, Goal forms a chemical barrier on the soil surface and affects weed plants through direct contact at emergence
- Recommended Crop: Onion, Tea, Potato, Groundnut, Direct Seeded Rice, Mint
- It is a selective herbicide readily absorbed by the foliage with very little translocation
- It has sufficient margins of safety for mammals and other animals like fish and birds. Furthermore, it has a favorable environmental profile.
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Imperata cylindrica, Seteria sp., Commelina benhgalensis, Boerhavia hispida, Paspalum conjugatum, Chenopodium sp., Angallis arvensis, Trianthema monogyna, Cyperus rotundus, Ageratum conyzoides, Commelina benghalensis, Echinochloa crusgalli, Panicum repens, Cyperus iria, Brachiaria mutoca,
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