Showing 1–12 of 93 results

ALEAP-Carbendazim12% +Mancozeb 63% WP

Control of many fungal diseases in wide range of field crops like fruits and vegetables, oil seeds, paddy etc.Mode of Action:Carbendazim 12% + Mencozeb 63% WP (Wettable Powder) is a very effective, protective and curative fungicide. It successfully controls Leaf Spot and Rust disease of Groundnut and Blast disease of paddy crop.Targeted Crops:Groundnut,PaddyTargeted Diseases:Rust & Leaf Spot,Blast

ALIEN-70- Metribuzin 70% WP

Allien-70 ( Metribuzin 70% WP ) is combination which is is a selective, systemic and contact herbicide of Triazinone group, which inhibits the Photosynthesis at Photo-system II. It works for the control of weeds in sugarcane, potato, tomato, soybean and wheat. It acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post emergence applications. It controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds.
Mode of Action:Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation in the xylem. It inhibits photosynthesis. It acts on both grasses and broad leaf weeds.Targeted Crops:paddy, wheat, sugarcane ,Soyabean, Potato, TomatoTargeted Weeds:

Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Asphodelus fistulosus, Chenopodium, Convolvulus arvensis, Portulaca oleracea, Anagallis arvensis, Chichoriumintbus, Echinochloa colorium, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Pacherium hysterophorus, Commelina spp.Digitaria spp., Cyperus esculentus, Cyperus campestris, Borreria spp., Eragrostis spp

Alsyn-Alphacypermethrin 10% SC

Alsyn-Alphacypermethrin 10% SC is a type of insecticide that contains 10% of the active ingredient alphacypermethrin, which belongs to the pyrethroid family of insecticides. It is often used in agriculture to control a wide range of pests, including mites, aphids, and thrips, on a variety of crops, such as cotton, fruits, and vegetables.Target CropsCotton, vegetables & fruits.Target Pests Mites, Aphids, and Thrips 

BATTAL 75-Acephate 75%SP

Acephate is an insecticide that belongs to the organophosphate group of chemicals. It is typically used as a foliar spray against chewing and sucking insects, such as aphids, leaf miners, Lepidopterous larvae, sawflies, and thrips on fruits, vegetables, potatoes, sugar beet, vines, rice, hops, ornamentals, and greenhouse crops like peppers and cucumbers. It can also be applied on food crops and citrus trees as a seed treatment. It is cholinesterase   inhibitor.

Mode of Action:

Insecticide with contact, stomach and systemic toxicity.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Bollworm,Jassids, Aphids, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder,Plant Hoppers, Green Leaf Hopper.



Bighit (CYPERMETHRIN 25% EC) belongs to Pyrethriod ester group of insecticides.

Mode of Action:

Bighit (CYPERMETHRIN 25% EC) controls the insects by its contact and stomach poison action.It can be applied as a foliar spray.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Pink Boll Worm of Cotton, American Boll Worm,Early Shoot Borer,Hairy Caterpillar,Diamond Back Moth of Cabbage,Okra fruit infested by Fruit Borer,Shoot and Fruit Borer, Epitechna Beetle Grub and Adults,Sawfly, Aphids


Chlorwin-Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP

Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP is a herbicide that contains Chlorimuron ethyl 25% WP. It is used for selective, systemic, and post-emergence control of weeds in transplanted paddy and soybean. The product works at a low dosage of 15 grams per acre and effectively controls most major broad-leaved weeds and sedges in soybean.Recommended Crops : Soyabean, RiceTargeted Weeds : oth broad leaf weeds and sedges: P.niruri, C.rotundus, C.benghalensis, etcDose: 15 g/Acre

CORAGOLD-Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC

Mode of Action:
  • Citigen(Chlorantraniliprole(CAP)) is a plant systemic insecticide that belongs to the group anthranilic diamide,which has a unique mode of action called Ryanodine Receptor Activators that disrupt normal muscle functions within the pest.
  • Activation leads to the unregulated release of Ca2+ (Calcium) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum muscle cells resulting in impaired muscle paralysis, feeding cessation lethargy and eventually insect death.
  • High larvicidal potency works through ingestion
  • Excellent ovi-larvicidal activity
  • Rapid damage control because of quick feeding cessation
Suggested Crops: Pigeon Pea,Black Gram,Cotton,Bittergourd,Sugarcane,Bengal Gram,Tomato,Rice,Bittergourd,Sugarcane,Bengal,Gram,Tomato,Rice,Cabbage,Brinjal,Okra,Maize,Chilli,Groundnut,Soybean Targeted Pests: caterpillars,Termite ,Pod borer,Stem borer, Leaf borer,Diamondback moth,Shoot Borer,Green semiloopers, Stem fly Girdle Beetle

DIFZOLE-Difenoconazole 25% EC


Difenoconazole 25% EC is a systemic fungicide with excellent action against diseases such as Apple scab, sheath blight in Rice / Paddy and die back and fruit rot in Chilli crop, anthracnose and powdery mildew in grapes. It contains 250 gm Difenoconazole per kg of emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation.

Mode of Action:Systemic FungicideTargeted Crops:Apple, Grapes, Chilies, Rice, Cumin, Onion, PomegranateTargeted Diseases:

scab, sheath blight,die back and fruit rot, anthracnose and powdery mildew

Double Hit-Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC

Double Hit-Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC is a combination insecticide having quick stomach and contact activity and is recommended to control Aphids, jassids, Thrips & Bollworms in Cotton, Aphid, shootfly, steam borer in Maize, Leaf hopper, leaf eating caterpillars in Groundnut, Stem fly, semilooper, girdle beetle in Soyaben, Thrips & fruit borer in Chilli, Thrips, semilooper, tea mosquito bug in Tea, Thrips, whiteflies, fruit borer in Tomato crop.

DYNAMIC-Paclobutazole 23% SC

MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS OF USING DYNAMIC Increases Synchronized Flowering the use of DYNAMIC along with good cultural practices, can advance and stimulate the flowering in Mango & other Plants. It Increases Chlorophyll content. Development of Better & Early Fruit Thus Effects on Enhancing Fruit Quality : Better Color & Size of Fruit. Enhanced maturation and yield is also observed. Controlling the Foliage Growth It Helps in a balanced foliage and in the reduction of vegetative growth and pruning. It Helps in Developing Tolerance in Plants Against Various Environmental Stress. Paclobutrazol also helps in Creating Resistance against Fungal Diseases.This Plant Growth Regulator is Used For Mango , Onion , Carrot . Garlic , Groundnut , Cashew Nut , Potato , Soybean , Black gram , Peas , Green Gram ,. Chilly , Tomato , Cauliflower , Sponge Gourd , Brinjal & All Other Major Vegetable CropsDosage for Mango:
  • 7 – 15 Year = 15 ml
  • 16- 25Year = 20 ml
  • 25Year = 30 ml

ETHEPON-Ethipon 39% SL

It is a versatile plant growth regulator which improves coloration and accelerates uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango, tomato, etc. It can be deployed in specific uses like defoliation in pomegranate and breaking alternate bearing in mango.Benefits: Improve coloration and accelerate uniform ripening of fruits like pineapple, mango tomato. Helps in breaking alternate bearing of mango and induces profuse flowering.Major Crops: Mango, Pineapple, Coffee, Tomato, Rubber, PomegranateDose/Acre:150 ml / acre

FERVIN- Fenoxaprop-P- Ethyle 9.3% EC

Fenoxaprop p ethyl 9.3 % EC is a post emergent selective herbicide having action against Echinochloa sp & Other grassy narrow-leaved weeds. . Fenox also has action on the broad spectrum of grasses.
Mode of Action:Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl is quickly taken up by the leaves and stems of the grassy weeds. Biochemically, Fenoxa predominantly inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids in the meristem tissues of the grassy weeds.Targeted Crops:Black Gram, Cotton, Rice (Transplanted), SoybeanTargeted Weeds:

Echinochloa Colonum, Echinochloa Crusgalli, Digitaria Sp., Dactyloctenium Aegyptium, Echinochloa Sp.