Showing 25–36 of 93 results

Lekso Pro-Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS

Lekso-Pro (Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS) a synthetic pyrethroid having contact and stomach mode of action. It has a new technology due to which it gives long duration control. It renders good control over bollworm in Cotton. Chemical is also recommended for stem borer, leaf folder in Paddy, borers in Brinjal, Okra & Tomato, thrips & flea beetle in Grapes and thrips & pod borer in Chilli.
Mode of ActionLekso-Pro is a non systemic, photostable third generation pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action and repellent properties giving rapid knockdown and long residual activity. Lekso-Pro acts by direct contact with insects or after ingestion. It is used in agriculture for the control of insect pests on a wide variety of crops.
Target CropsCotton,  paddy, Brinjal, Okra, Tomato, Grapes, Chilli, SoyabeanTarget Pests Bollwor, Stem Bore, Leaf Hopper, Shoot & Fruit Borer, Thrips, Flea, Pod Borer, Stem Fly and Semi Looper. 

LEKSO-5 (Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC)

LEKSO-5 (Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC) is broad-spectrum insecticide.It belongs to Pyrethroid group of insecticides.It is a new generation photostable pyrethroid.One shot solution of sucking pest and caterpillars.It works as contact and stomach activity insecticide.It is also having little fumigant action and repellent property.It is absorbed rapidly by the roots and foliage.It gives quick knockdown and long residual control.Promotes crop greening, more branches and flower initiation.Protect crop from viral disease by controlling insects which act as a vector.Also used for control of insect pest in public healthMode of ActionIt affects the nervous system of an organism by disrupting the gating mechanism of sodium channels involved in the generation of nerve impulses. Delayed closing of the gate results in prolonged excitation of nerve fibers in insect pests. This hyperexcitation followed by convulsions and eventual paralysis of the insect and finally results the death of insects.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Bollworms, Jassids, thrips,Leaf folder, Stem borer, GLH, Gall midge, Hispa,Shoot and Fruit borer,mite, pod borer,


LUMIX-Buprofenzin 25% SC

LUMIX(Buprofezin 25% Sc) is an Insecticide of " Insect Growth Regulator Group".It inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae, leading to death.  it is a novel insecticide for integrated pest management ( IPM) and safe for environment.Mode of Action:LUMIX(Buprofezin 25% Sc) is a growth regulator, acting as an inhibitor of chitin synthesis.Targeted Crops:Cotton,Rice,Chilli,Mango,GrapesTargeted Pest:Whitefly,Apphids,Jassids,Thrips,BPH,GLH,WBPH,Yellow Mites,Hopper,Mealy Bug

LUXER-25-Quinalphos 25% EC

LUXER-25-Quinalphos 25% EC a broad spectrum organo-phosphatic insecticide containing 25% w/w quinalphose a.l. in the form of emulsifiable concentrate. It is having broad spectrum of activity and good initial and residual toxicity against bollworms on cotton and stem borer, leaf folder, green leaf hopper, hispa on rice.Mode of Action:LUXER-25 is a highly effective insecticide with contact and stomach action. Dhanulux can be applied as a foliar spray.Tageted Crops:Cotton,Paddy,Soyabean,BrinjalTargeted Pest:Bollworm,Stem borer, Leaf Folder, Hispa Green, Leaf Hopper,Girdle beetle, Leaf Miner,hoot and Fruit Borer, Epilachna Beetle

MEBAZ PLUS GR (Fipronil 0.6% GR)

MEBAZ PLUS GR is a broad-spectrum, contact and ingestion insecticide. Effectively controls Stem borer. Easy to use: Because of its granular formulation, it can be easily broadcasted on the standing crop. Safe for beneficial insects like earthworms.Mode of ActionContact and ingestion activity. Immediate response, such as cessation of feeding, may be noted soon after treatment which provide instant protection of crop from pest.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Stem borer, Leaf folder


MEBAZ-G (Fipronil 0.3% GR)

MEBAZ-G is a broad-spectrum and systemic insecticide It has both contact and stomach action It belongs to phenyl-pyrazole group of insecticides MEBAZ-G is very effective against insects resistant for conventional pesticides MEBAZ-G also have good phytotonic effect, which enhances the root growth and more greenness It results significant increase in yield It has good applications and formulation flexibility Easy to use: Because of its granular formulation, it can be easily broadcasted on the standing crop It has quick and long duration control Feeding of treated insects stops soon after treatment It has higher potency for binding with insect receptor complexes than to mammalian complexes which makes it more selective for insects and safe for human and animals Longer persistency and greater solubility in water than other granules MEBAZ-G is almost compatible with other insecticides Comparatively safer to the beneficial insects It has no cross resistance to conventional products Suitable for IPM

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Green leaf hopper Rice leaf hopper, Rice gall midge, Whorl maggot,White backed plant hopper,Early shoot borer,Root borer,Termite


Mebaz-SC-Fipronil 5% SC

Mebaz-SC (Fipronil 5% SC) s a modern insecticide of Phenylpyrazole group which controls the insect pests of rice, chilli, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively. It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests.Mode of ActionIt controls the insects by its contact, stomach and systemic action. Primarily acts as an ingestion toxicant with some complimentary contact action and acts by interfering in nerve impulse transmission.Target CropsRice, Cabbage, Chilli, Sugarcane, CottonTarget Pests Stem borer, Brown plant hopper, Green leaf hopper, Rice leaf hopper, Rice gall midge, Whorl maggot, White backed plant hopper, Diamond back moth, Aphids, Fruit borers, Early shoot borer , root borer, Jassid, Thrips, White fly, Boll worms 

MET ZONE- Metsulfuron Methyl 20%

MET ZONE contains Metsulfuron-methyl 20% WP MET ZONE is a selective herbicide MET ZONE is a post–emergent herbicide It belongs to Triazinyl-sulfonylurea group of herbicides MET ZONE is a systemic herbicide with contact and residual action Its half-life period in the soil is only a few days so no effect on the follow crops. It has good compatibility with other pesticides. MET ZONE is completely safe to wheat crop MET ZONE has both foliar and soil activity It has good rain-fastness after 4 hours of application. Low use rate herbicideMode of Action:
  • (Metsulfuron-methyl) is rapidly taken up by plants at the roots and on foliage.
  • It is rapidly translocated within the plants and accumulate in the growing parts / meristematic tissues.
  • It Inhibits cell division in both roots as well as in shoots.
  • Due to the inhibition of cell division plant growth check.
Targeted Crops:Wheat,Paddy,SugarcaneTargeted Weeds:Chenopodium album, Melilotus indica, Melilotus alba, Medicago hispida, Lathyrus aphaca, Anagallis arvensiss, Vicia saliva, Vicia hirsura, Circium arvense,Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora, Marsilea quadrifoliata, Fimbristylis spp

MIT-405-Ethion 40% + Cyper 5% EC

 SynFena Contains Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenoconazole 13.9 % EC is a New Generation Unique Combination Fungicide recommended for the best control of Sheath Blight and Dirty Panicle Disease in Paddy or Rice.( Grain discoloration )Its ability to fight disease leads to better disease management and healthy flag leaf hence giving better yield. Synen gives healthy & productive tillers, setting maximum yield potential.Mode of action: Ethion kills the insect pests by acting as cholinesterase (ChE) activity inhibitor. Cypermethrin is a non-systemic with contact and stomach action and is a sodium channel modulator.
Targeted Pests: All types of Boll worms ( American Boll worm, etc ) on cotton and leaf eating and fruit boring caterpillars in a wide range of crops like vegetables, pulses etc. It is also effective against white flies on cotton and vegetables.
Targeted Crops: Major cropsDosage: 1.5 - 2.0 Ml / Liter of water

MIYORA-Thiophanate methyl 70 % WP

  • Miyora is broad spectrum systemic fungicide and has unique combination of Preventive, Curative and Systemic fungicidal properties.
  • Perfect solution for Anthracnose, Cercospora leaf spot, Powdery mildew, Venturia scab, Sclerotinia Rot, Botritis and Fusarium wilt.
  • Enhanced Phytotonic & antifungal effect due to S atom.
  • Green: No skin/ eye irritation and low mammalian toxicity.
  • Quick and uniformly dissolves in water.
Mode of Action:Systemic Curative & Preventive FungicideTargeted Crops:Paddy,Chilli,Tomato,PotatoTargeted Diseases:

Blast, Sheath Blight,Powdery Mildew Anthracnose, Fruit Rot,Wilt, Damping off Stem Rot, Leaf Spot,Black Scurf, Tuber Decay Tuber Rot, Leaf Spot

MYCLONIL-Myclobitanil 10% WP

Myconil (Myclobutanil 10% WP) is a systemic powdery mildewcide; having dual action of preventing & controlling Powdery mildew. It is having lowest waiting period among other powdery mildewcide. Myconil belongs to the triazole group.Mode of Action:
  • Myconil is a highly systemic, effective fungicide for powdery mildew.
  • Its absorption into plant is very fast, which provides long duration of control.
Targeted Crops:Apple.Grapes,ChilliTargeted Diseases:Scab,Powdery mildew,Leaf spot, Die back

NewroGold-Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC

Newrogold Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC is a post emergence broad spectrum herbicide effective against grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds of rice cropRecommended Crops : RiceTargeted Weeds :Grasses, sedges and broad leaf weedsDose: 200-250 ml/Acre