Showing 37–48 of 93 results

Pema-25-Propiconazole 25% EC

It's a broad-spectrum systemic foliar fungicide for the control of a wide range of leaf and stem diseases in cereals. Dosage Wheat, Rice, Cotton, Soybean, Groundnut: 200 gram/Acre; Tea-100gram/Acre Method of application Foliar Spray Spectrum Wheat Karnel bunt, Leaf Rust, Stem Rust, Stripe Rust, Rice Sheath Blight, Groundnut Early and Late Leaf Spot, Tea Rust, Soybean Blister Blight, Cotton Rust and Leaf Spot. Compatibility Compatible with most chemicals Frequency of application Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. Click on ‘Need Expert Help’ button for more information. 

Professor Plus-Profenophos 40% +Cypermethrin 4% EC

It is a combination product of organophosphorous and pyrethroids compound. It is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action.It is non-phytotoxic to cotton plants and used to control boll worms in other crops also viz,vegetables, paddy and cotton etc. It is used in accordance with climatic conditions and approval of local authorities Professor Plus contains Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC .This is a INSECTICIDE Professor Plus (profenophos 40% +Cypermethrin 4% EC ) is a broad spectrum insecticide, combined product of organophosphorus & pyrethroids compound controls Cotton Boll worm Recommended Dosages per hactere 1000-1500ml in dilution of 500-1000 ltr water or as being recommended

QUINCYPER-Cypermethrin 3% + Quinalphos 20% EC

It is used to control shoot and fruit borer of brinjal and American bollworm and jassid of cotton.Chemical Composition: Cypermethrin3% + Quinalphos 20% ECDosage: Brinjal:140-160 ml/acre Cotton:400-500 ml/acreMethod of Application: Foliar SpraySpectrum: Brinjal: Fruit borer, Shoot borer; Cotton: American bollworm, Jassids, Spotted bollworm.Compatibility: Compatible with most chemicals.Frequency of Application: Depends on pest incidence or severity of the disease.Applicable Crops: Brinjal, Cotton. 

Rudo Mix Gold- Metalexyl-M 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP

Original price was: ₹1,000.00.Current price is: ₹990.00.
Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Redo Mix Gold protects potatoes, grapes, tobacco, vegetables, citrus, tomato, turf, and ornamentals from soilborne oomycete diseases. Redo Mix Gold also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.Specific fungicide for control of oomycetes fungi (e.g. late blight and downy mildew diseases). Can be applied to foliage, soil, or as a seed treatment.Benefits:Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases. Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties. Flexible application methods for at-planting treatment. Easy-to-use formulation.Crop Grapes,Potato,Black pepper,Mustard,Chilli,Pomegranate Diseases Downy mildew, Late blight,Phytophthora fruit rot,Downy mildew,White rust,Damping off,Leaf spot & Fruit spot

RUGAL-35 (Metalyxyl 35 % WS)

METALAXYL 35% WS is a systemic fungicide with a protective and curative action, absorbed through the leaves, stems and roots to control diseases caused by air and soil borne fungus i.e. Scab, Anthracnose, Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Early blight, and Late blight diseases of various crops like Maize, Bajra, Sorghum, Sunflower, Mustard, Sugarcane, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Vines, Peppers, tobacco etc. in accordance with the climatic conditions and local authorities. It is also highly used as wet slurry Seed Dresser.Mode of Action:Systemic Curative & Protective FungicideTargeted Crops:Maize, Bajra, Sorghum, Sunflower, Mustard, Sugarcane, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Vines, Peppers, tobacco etc.Targeted Diseases:

Scab, Anthracnose, Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Early blight, and Late blight diseases of various crops

Serene EW-Pretilachlor 37% EW

Serene EW-Pretilachlor 37% EW is a pre-emergence selective herbicide for transplanted rice. It controls grass, broadleaf, and sedge weeds. It is very safe to crop.Recommended Crops : RiceTargeted Weeds :Grass, broadleaf, and sedge weedsDose: 600 ml /acre

SERENE-50- Pretilachlor 50% EC

(Pretilachlor 50% EC) is a pre-emergence, broad-spectrum herbicide of Chloroacetamide group which controls all type of weeds in rice. Craze absorbed primarily by the germinating shoots, and secondarily by the roots, with trans-location throughout the plant, giving higer concentrations in vegetative parts than in reproductive parts.
Mode of Action:Selective herbicide. It is taken up readily by the hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleoptiles, and to a lesser extent, by the roots of germinating weeds. Keep 2-3 cm water in the crop and spray uniformly, immediately after transplanting to 4 of days of transplanting or Treat 20-25 kg dry sand with 500 ml of Craze and apply it in the crop immediately after transplanting to within 4 days of transplanting.Targeted Crops:PaddyTargeted Weeds:

All narrow and broad leaf weeds- Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum Cyperusdifformis Cyperusiria Fimbristylismilliacea Eclipta alba Ludwigiapulviflora Leptochloachinensis Monochorea vaginalis Panicumrepens

SEYLON-GR (Chlorpyriphos 10% GR)

Chlorpyriphos 10% Granules is used to control for Rice insects which contains 10% Chlorpyriphos active ingredient.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

stemborer, Leaf roller, Gall midge


SHINGLO-Validamycin 3% Sl

Validamycin 3% L is an antibiotic fungicide which controls Sheath blight disease of Rice very effectively. It acts on hyphae and destroys the fungus  by  its contact action and controls the spread  of diseases. Sheathmar is also most effective against soil borne diseases and used for the control of Rhizoctonia solani in rice.Mode of Action:It is non-systemic antibiotic with fungi static action. It causes abnormal branching of the tips of the pathogen, followed by cessation of further development. Being curative in action, it helps to control diseases very fast.Targeted Crops:RiceTargeted Diseases:

Sheath blight

SPARTAN 50-Captan 50 % WP

Captan 50% WP is a fungicide of micronized particle size for use in water as a spray for the control of certain fungus diseases of fruit, vegetable seeds, and ornamental crops. It gives excellent protection against a wide variety of fungal infections in crops, both at the seeding stage and in mature plants. Therefore, it serves both as a seed-dresser and a foliar spray to control seed-borne diseases, soil-inhibiting fungi, and foliar/fruit diseases.Mode of Action:Captan 50% WP is a broad-spectrum preventative & curative fungicide that works by disrupting the metabolic processes of fungal cells, leading to their death. The mode of action of SPARTAN 50 involves inhibiting enzymes in energy production and cell wall synthesis in the fungal cells. It acts by binding to and modifying the sulfhydryl groups of enzymes involved in cellular respiration, specifically those involved in the electron transport chain. This disruption leads to a decrease in ATP production, which is essential for the survival and growth of fungal cells.Targeted Crops:Apple.Grapes,Cherry,potato,TomatoTargeted Diseases:Scab,Brown rot,Downy mildew,Late Blight, Early blight


  • Sulfwood is a dust free, flowable micronised sulphur granules, ease of measuring &    handling.
  • It has instant dispersion and high suspensability in water, therefore it don't cause    scorching.
  • It has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (Sulphur) and miticide.
  • It has sustained action for longer effect.
  • There are no stains on fruits & leaves after spraying, nor do leaves get burnt.
Mode of Action:It is broad spectrum contact and protective fungicide & miticide. It also provides  Sulphur which is essential plant nutrient.Targeted Crops:Grapes,Chilli,Mango,Apple,BeansTargeted Diseases:

Powdery Mildew Bud Mite,Blister Mite,Leaf Spots,Rust/Red spider mite

SUPER CAPTON-Captan 70% + Hexaconzole 5% WP

Captan 70%+ Hexaconazole 5% WP is an antifungal agrochemical with a unique combination of contact and systemic fungicides in a wettable powder (WP) formulation. This formulation contains the active ingredients Captan 70% and Hexaconazole 5%. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide that is effective on fruits and vegetables as well as other crops against powdery mildew, anthracnose, late blight, early blight, downy mildew, and grey mildew. This fungicide also works against soil-borne and seed-borne diseases.Mode of Action:This combined product protects the plant from both the outside and the inside. It has anti-sporulant, curative, and protective properties.Targeted Crops:Black Gram,Chilli,Potato,Rice,Tomato,WheatTargeted Diseases:

Powdery mildew,rust,Early blight,Sheath blight,Leaf spot,yellow rust