Showing 61–72 of 93 results

SYN-505(Cholorpyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5% EC)

SYN-505 belongs to an organophosphorus group of insecticide.It is recommended on several crops and controls specifically grown-up voracious feeding larvae need immediate control.SYN-505 has a strong effect on insect nervous system and has the ability to penetrate the thick wall of larva made up of waxes and lipids etc. the quick penetrability makes it most popular insecticide against grown-up larvae. 

Mode of Action:

Contact AND Stomach Insecticide

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, Whitefly, Spotted bollworm, Pink bollworm, American bollworm, Tobacco caterpillar(Spodoptera, litura)


SYN-NIL(Chlorothalinil 75%WP)

Chlorothalonil 75% WP Is a Broad Spectrum Contact Fungicide And is Highly Effective Against Anthracnose, Fruit Rots, Tikka disease, Early and Late Blight on Various Crops. 

SYN-WEED- 2-4 D Amine Salt 38% EC

SYN-WEED (2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL) is the selective, systemic weedicides of the Phenoxy acetic group.
Mode of Action:It is used on a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic broadleaf weeds. It has little effect on grasses. It appears to work by causing uncontrolled cell division in vascular tissue. Abnormal increases in cell wall plasticity, biosynthesis of proteins, and production of ethylene occur in plant tissues following exposure, and these processes are responsible for uncontrolled cell division. The ester forms of 2, 4-D penetrate foliage, whereas plant roots absorb the salt forms. 2, 4-D appears to be similar in action to other auxin-type herbicides. It is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translocated in to the weed plants.Targeted Crops:Potato,Wheat,Maiz,Sugarcane Soybean,SorghumTargeted Weeds:Cyperus Iria, Digera Arvensis, Convolvulus Arvensis, Trianthema Sp., Tridax Procumbens, Euphorbia Hirta, Phyllanthus Niruri.,Trianthema Monogyna, Amaranthus Sp., Tribulus Terristeris, Boerhaavia Diffusa, Euphorbia Hirta, Portulaca Oleracea, Cyperus Sp.,

SYNCOT- Paraquat 24% SL

( Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) is broad spectrum, non selective & contact herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride A.I which effectively controls broadleaved weeds & grasses. During photosynthesis superoxide generated, which damages cell membranes and cytoplasm.
Mode of Action:Non-Selective contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with some translocation in the xylemTargeted Crops:Tea,Potato,Cotton,Paddy,Wheat,GrapesTargeted Weeds:

Imperata cylindrica, Seteria sp., Commelina benhgalensis, Boerhavia hispida, Paspalum conjugatum, Chenopodium sp., Angallis arvensis, Trianthema monogyna, Cyperus rotundus, Ageratum conyzoides, Commelina benghalensis, Echinochloa crusgalli, Panicum repens, Cyperus iria, Brachiaria mutoca,

SynFen-Proiconazole 13.9% + Difenoconazle 13.9% EC

 SynFena Contains Propiconazole 13.9 % + Difenoconazole 13.9 % EC is a New Generation Unique Combination Fungicide recommended for the best control of Sheath Blight and Dirty Panicle Disease in Paddy or Rice.( Grain discoloration )Its ability to fight disease leads to better disease management and healthy flag leaf hence giving better yield. Synen gives healthy & productive tillers, setting maximum yield potential.Dosage: For Large Application Use : 1 – 1.5 ml Of Prodizole per 1 Liter water. For Domestic Purposes like Home Garden or Nursery Use 2  ml per 1 Liter water .Detailed Instructions are given along with a leaflet with the product. ​

Synlin-32-Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC

Pendimethalin 30% + Imazethapyr 2% EC is a combination product, containing 30% Pendimethalin and 2% Imazethapyr as an active ingredients. It is a selective herbicide. Which controls susceptible annual grasses, sedges and broad leaf weeds as they germinate. It is recommended to use in Soybean.Recommended Crops : SoyabeanTargeted Weeds : Echinochloa crusgalli, Digera arvensis, Commelina benghalensis, Amaranthus viridis, Portulaca oleraceaDose: 2.5-3 ml/Acre

Synmar-Ametryn 80% WP

Synmar-Ametryn 80% WP is a Wettable Granule containing Ametryne 80% (a.i) in the formulation. It is used for the control of grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds on Sugarcane.Recommended Crops : SugarcaneTargeted Weeds : Digitaria sanguinalism, Cynodon dactylon,Trianthema monogyna, Ageratum conyzoides, Dactyloctenium aegyptiumDose: 2-2.5 g/Acre

Synmida Super-Imidacloprid 30.5% SC

Synmida Super-Imidacloprid 30.5% SC is a systemic insecticide.It can be used as a spray for the control of sucking and other insects – Thrips, Aphids, Jassids, Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper etc in different crops like Cotton, Paddy, Sugarcane, Mango, Groundnut, Grapes, Chillies, Tomato etcRecommended Crops : Cotton, Paddy, Sugarcane, Mango, Groundnut, Grapes, Chillies, TomatoTargeted Insect : Thrips, Aphids, Jassids, Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper etcDose: 50-75 ml/Acre

SYNMIDA-Imidacloprid 17.8% SL

SYNMIDA-Imidacloprid 17.8% SL is a systemic insecticides of Neonicotinide group which control the sucking insects and termites very effectively. It is an antagonist by binding to postsynaptic nicotinic receptors in the insect central nervous system.Mode of ActionSystemic insecticide with translaminar activity and with contact and stomach action. Readily taken up by the plant and further distributed acropetally, with good root-systemic action.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

Aphids, Whitefly, Thrips, Jassids,Termite,Green Plant Hopper, Brown Plant Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper,Mosquito Bug (Helipeltis)


Syno-20-Chloropyrifos 20% EC

It is a broad spectrum insecticide effectively control many pest in many crops like Borers, Sucking pest and Soil pest like termite.Applicable crops Paddy (Rice),Beans,Gram,Sugarcane,Cotton,Groundnut Mustard,Brinjal,Cabbage,Onion,Apple,Ber,Citrus,Tobacco Dosage Paddy (Rice)-600-750ml/Acre; Beans-1200 ml/Acre, Gram-1000ml/Acre, Sugarcane-500-600ml/Acre, Cotton-500-1500 ml/Acre, Groundnut-400-450ml/Acre, Mustard-200ml/Acre, Brinjal-400ml/Acre, Cabbage-800ml/Acre, Onion-2000ml/Acre, Apple-1500-2000ml/Acre Ber-900-1200ml/Acre, Citrus-600-800ml/Acre, Tobacco-700ml/AcreMethod of applicationFoliar Spray:Paddy (Rice),Beans,Gram,Sugarcane,Cotton,Groundnut Mustard,Brinjal,Cabbage,Onion,Apple,Ber,Citrus,Tobacco.Seed treatment1. Wheat: 3-4 ml/kg seed2. Barley: 4-6 ml/kg seed3. Gram: 15-30 ml/kg seedSoil treatment1) Wheat: 800-1000ml/Acre. 2) Sugarcane: 2500ml/Acre. Spectrum Paddy (Rice):Hispa,Leaf folder,Gall midge, Stem borer, Whorl maggot, Beans:Pod borer, Black bug ,Gram:Cut worm, Sugarcane:Black bug,Early shoot & stalk borer,Pyrilla;Cotton:Aphid, Bollworm, Whitefly,Cut worm; Groundnut:Aphid,Root grub;Mustard:Aphid;Brinjal:Shoot & fruit borer; Cabbage:Diamond back moth; Onion:Root grub;Apple:Aphid, Ber:Leaf hopper;Citrus:Black citrus, Aphid;Tobacco:Ground beetle Compatibility Compatibility with other Insecticides, Fungicide 

Synprotect-Buprofezin 20% + Acephate 50% WP

Buprofezin 20% + Acephate 50% WP is a pre-mixture contact insecticide used for the effective management of Stem borer, Leaf folder & Brown Plant Hoppers on Paddy; Thrips, Jassids & Mealybug on Cotton cropRecommended Crops : Cotton,PaddyTargeted Insects : Thrips,Jassids,Mealybug,Stem borer,Leaf folder,Brown Plant hoppersDose: 250 g/Acre

SYNSTAR – Azoxistrobin 23% SC

Azoxystrobin 23% SC is a broadspectrum systemicfungicide recommended for the control of downy and powdery mildew diseases infecting Grapes,fruit rot and powdery mildew of chilli, anthracnose and powdery mildew of mango, early and lateblight of tomato and late blight of Potato.Mode of Action:Broad Spectrum Systemic FungicideTargeted Crops:Grapes, Chilli, Mango, Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, CuminTargeted Diseases:

Powdery mildew, scab, Early & late blight, fruit rot