Showing 73–84 of 93 results


SYNSTAR TOP is a new generation combination fungicide containing Azoxystrobin 18.2% W/W & Difenoconazole 11.4% W/W SC. It’s a dual systemic broad-spectrum fungicide with protective and curative action. It offers not only disease control but also improves crop health, quality and yield of a crop.Mode of Action:It’s a dual systemic fungicide which inhibits spore germination at the early stage of fungal development. Thus, it protects the crop against invasion by fungal pathogens. It’s taken up by the plants and acts on the fungal pathogen during penetration and haustoria formation. Thus, it stops the development of fungi by interfering with the biosynthesis of sterols in the cell membrane.Targeted Crops:Paddy,Tomato,Chilli,Maize,WheatTargeted Diseases:

Sheath blight, Blast,Early blight, Late blight,Anthracnose, Powdery Mildew,Blight, Downey Mildew,Rust

SynStudia-Azoxystrobin 12.5% + Tebuconazole 12.5% sc

 SynStudia (Azoxystrobin 12.5% + Tebuconazole 12.5% SC) is a unique pre-mix combination with This fungicide is formulated to provide effective control against a wide range of fungal diseases in various crops. It eliminates the diseases from the root and prevents them from spreading.Diseases: Leaf spots, Blights, Powdery mildews, Rusts, Anthracnose, Alternaria leaf blight, Fusarium blight, Septoria leaf spot, Cercospora leaf spot, Rhizoctonia root rot, Sclerotinia stem rot, Botrytis gray mold, Downy mildew, Scab, Early and late blight.Recommondate crop:Wheat, Rice, Maize, Soybean, Cotton, Barley, Potato, Tomato, Cucumbers, Melons, squash, Grapes, Apple, Oranges, Lemons, Banana, Coffee,  Sugar, Sunflower and Sorghum
Dosage:2 ml/litre of water,30 ml/pump (15 litre pump) 300 ml/Acre Spray.

Syntera-Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% GR

Syntera-Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% GR is an insecticide recommended to control the lepidopteran pests in rice and sugarcane crop.Recommended Crops : Sugarcane,RiceTargeted Insects : Early Shoot Borer,Top Borer,Yellow Stem Borer,Paddy Leaf FolderDose: 4 Kg/Acre

Synthi-Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% WP

Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP (Synthi) is a selective, systemic and pre emergence herbicide which effectively controls the various weeds of transplanted rice.Recommended Crops : Transplanted RiceTargeted Weeds : Cyperus iria, Cyperus difformis, Fimbrystylis miliacea Monochoria vaginalis Ludwigia parvifloraDose: 0.01-0.015 Kg/Acre

Synthrin-Bifenthrin 10% EC

Synthrin (Bifenthrin 10% EC) is a world-renowned, new generation, the broad-spectrum insecticide of Pyrethroid group. Synthrin through its contact and stomach action controls different types of larvae, whitefly, mites and jassids very effectively. Synthrin has strong bonding tendency in the soil thus it persists and exhibits longer duration extraordinary control of termite.Recommended Crops : Cotton,Paddy,SugarcaneTargeted Weeds : Boll worm, Whitefly, Stem Borer, Leaf Folder & Green Leaf hopper, Termites.Dose: 200-400 ml/Acre

Syntobo-Tembotrione 34.4% SC

Syntobo-Tembotrione 34.4% SC is a broad spectrum post emergence herbicide recommended for use along with surfactant for control of broad leaf and grassy weeds in Maize.Recommended Crops : MaizeTargeted Weeds :Broadleaf & grassy weedsDose: 115 ml/Acre

SYNZATE – Cymoxanil 8%+Mancozeb 64% WP


Cymoxanil 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP is a systemic & contact fungicide, effective for the control of downy mildew disease of Grapes and Cucumber and late blight disease of Potato and Tomato crops.

SYNZIRAM SC – Ziram 27% SC

Ziram 27% SC is a carbamate agricultural fungicide. It’s mainly applied to almonds and stone fruits. It protects fruit and vegetable crops from fungal infection. It controls tomato and potato early blight, grapevine downy mildew and anthracnose, apple scab, and other diseases. It’s also used as an accelerator in the production of rubber, packaging materials, adhesives, and textiles. It can be applied as a foliar treatment as well as a soil or seed treatment.Mode of Action:Ziram is a contact and protective fungicide that forms a protective barrier between plants and fungi on plants surfaces. A protectant fungicide is not absorbed into the plant and must be applied prior to infection.Targeted Crops:Apple,Grape,Potato,TomatoTargeted Diseases:

Scab,Downy Mildew,Early blight

Synzole-5-Hexaconazole 5% SC

Synzole-5 belongs to triazole group of fungicide. It is highly systemic fungicide having protective and curative action. Synzole-5 is useful for controlling Powdery mildews, Rusts and Leaf spots in cereals, Oil seeds, horticultural and plantation crops and also for the effective control of Rice Sheath blight. Synzole-5 is a trizole fungicide which has very good compatibility with strobulin fungicide and gives longer protection under continuous fungal attack.

SYNZOLE-75 – Hexaconazole 75% WG

Hexaconazole 75% WG is a water-dispersible granule formulation of the fungicide hexaconazole. It is widely used for disease control in various crops, including cereals, fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. It provides effective protection against a range of fungal pathogens.Mode of Action:Hexaconazole 75% WG is a broad-spectrum systemic triazole fungicide that works by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol, a vital component of fungal cell membranes. This disrupts the normal function of the cell membrane and eventually leads to cell death. Hexaconazole is effective against a wide range of fungi, including ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. It is used to control a variety of diseases in crops, including powdery mildew, rust, and scab.Targeted Crops:Paddy,Chilli,GroundnutTargeted Diseases:

Sheath blight and Sheath rot,Leaf spot anthracnose, Powdery mildew,Tikka leaf spot, rust

Synzole-EC-Hexaconazole 5% EC

Synzole-EC is a 5% EC an excellent Fungicide, highly effective against sheath blight of paddy, leafspots and blights on all types of crops and powdery mildew of Crops like grapes, chillies etc.Applicable crops Paddy, Grapes, Mango, Ground nut, Soybean Dosage 30 ml/pump (15L) or 300 ml/acre Method of application Foliar Spray Spectrum Paddy - Sheath blight, Grapes & Mango - Powdery mildew, Groundnut - Tikka leaf spot, Soybean - Rust Frequency of application Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.

SYRON- Atrazine 50% WP

SYRON is effective in controlling a broad range of weeds SYRON is safe to the crop SYRON fits a variety of farming systems
Mode of Action:Inhibition of photosynthesis in target weed.Targeted Crops:Maize,SugarcaeTargeted Weeds:

Trianthama monogyna, Digera arvensis, Echinochloa spp., Eleusine spp., Xantheium strumarium, Brachiara sp, Digitaria sp, Amaranthus Viridis, Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp.Portulaca oleracea, Digitaria sp, Boerhaavia diffusa, Euphorbia sp., Tribulus Terrestris