Showing 85–93 of 93 results

Takin Plus – Thiamethoxam 30% FS

Takin Plus (Thiamethoxam 30% FS) is a systemic insecticide.Takin Plus protects against target pests by interfering with receptors that transmit the message to continue feeding.Takin Plus acts on different sites of action in the insect. Takin Plus is to be used as a seed dresser..Mode of ActionTaking Plus has contact, stomach, systemic activity. It is an agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, affecting the synapses in the insect central nervous systemTarget CropsField crops like cotton, sorghum, wheat, soyabean, chilli, okra, maiz, sunflower.Target Pests Jassids, Thrips, Aphids, White fly, Shoot fly, Stem fly.

Takin Super 75-Thiamethoxam 75% WG

Takin Super 75 is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide that contains the active ingredient Thiamethoxam 75% WG. Takin Super 75 is a soil-applied insecticide and having a quick action against sucking and chewing pests. It was labeled for use on Ground Nut, Sugarcane, Rice, and Cotton. Takin Super 75 may direct the application at the base of the plant for optimum root uptake when making post-emergence applications. It improves the plant from primary treatment, it took up by the plant faster which results in higher yield and improved crop quality resulting longer-lasting systemic control. For use, measured out the required quantity of the Takin Super 75 and mix it well with a small quantity of water and add remaining quantity of water as specified with thorough agitation and apply as soil drenching in Ground Nut, Sugarcane, and Cotton. For Rice measured out the required quantity of the product and dissolve in 500 ml of water to make the solution for mixing and broadcasting with sand at the rate of 8 kg/acre. It has a negligible effect on beneficial insects.Mode of ActionContact and Systemic Action.Target CropsSugarcane,Rice,Cotton,GroundnutTarget Pests Early shoot Borer,Green Leaf Hopper,Brown Plant Hopper, Assids , Thrips, Termites 

TEBU SHINE – Tebucanazole 10%+Sulphur 65%WG

  • TEBU SHINE Contains Tebuconazole 10 % + Sulphur 65 % WG is a modern quick action fungicide  with protective, creative and eradicative action.
  • TEBU SHINE is widely used for the control of powdery mildew , fruit rot diseases of Chilli and leaf spot , pod blight disease of Soyabean  Widely used in Crops  like Cucurbits Corn Dry Bean Garlic Grape Hops Mango Mustard Peach Pear Oats Okra Onion Pea Rice Soybean Tomato Sugarcane Sugar – beet Tea Tree Nut Wheat Rose etc
Mode of Action:Advance Broad Spectrum Premix FungicidesTargeted Crops:Apple, Banana, Barley, Brussel Sprout, Cherry, Chili, Coffee, Cucurbits, Corn, Dry Bean, Garlic, Grape, Hops, Mango, Mustard, Peach, Pear, Oats, Okra, Onion, Pea, Rice, Soybean, Tomato, Sugarcane, Sugar-beet, Tea, Tree Nut, Wheat, Rose.Targeted Diseases:

Powdery mildew, Scab, Rust, Smut, Damping-off, Leaf spot, Blotch, Sugarcane red rot, Tea blight, Sheath blight, White rust, Die-back, Stem & Fruit rot, Anthracnose, Black rot, Brown Spot, White spot, etc.

TESLA SUPER- Quizalophos Ethyl 5 % EC

(Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC) is a selective, systemic herbicide of the Aryloxyphenoxy-propionates group. It is used to control narrow leaf weeds in broadleaf crops. It is very quickly absorbed by the weeds and translocated and kills the weeds. The affected weeds are unable to regenerate.  It is quickly absorbed by the weeds, hence rain even one hour after spray does not affect its effectiveness. Weed leaves turn publish/ red within 5-8 days after Targa Super application and within 10-15 days are completely killed.Mode of Action:It  effectively controls the narrow leaf weeds like Echinochloa spp., Goosegrass, foxtail, Cynodon (doob), Large crabgrass, Saccharum sp. (kans), Hemarthria sp. (suttu), Wild sorghum, Volunteer paddy, Volunteer maize, Volunteer pearl millet, etc.Targeted Crops:paddy, wheat, sorghum, maize, barley, pearl millet, sugarcane crop.Targeted Weeds:narrow-leaf weeds in broadleaf crops.

TODINO 20-Dinotefuran 20% SG

  • Fast Action: Systemic insecticide quickly gets absorbed into the plant parts effectively kill the target pests.
  • Unique mode of action: Effective and longer duration control over the population of target pests that are resistant to existing molecules.
  • Translaminar activity: Helps in killing the pests hidden underside of the leaves.
  • Phytotonic Effect: Keeps the crop green and healthy which results in increase.
  • Rain Fastness: Quickly absorbed by the leaves and remain effective even if it rains 3hrs after the Nowko application.

Mode of Action:

  • It disrupts nervous system mechanism of the targeted insect when the insect either ingests or absorbs the active into its body.

Targeted Crops:


Targeted Pest:

White Fly, Brown plant hopper,, Aphids & Thrips


TOPPED-15- Clodinafop 15% WP

Mode of Action: TOPPED-15 is a selective post emergence broad spectrum herbicide with excellent action on phalaris minor.Benefits: Best results are obtained by applying TOPPED-15 when the majority of the grass weeds have emerged and are actively growing. Maachis is taken up through leaves of grass weeds. Active growth of susceptible grasses ceases within 48 hours after application. Decay of nodes and growing points is visible with young leaves showing chlorosis followed bynecrosis.Suggested Use: TOPPED-15 is recommended for post emergence application which is about 30-35 days after sowing of wheat crop. (When phalaris minor is 3-4 leaf stage).Mixing Directly Into The Knapsack Sprayer: Fill the knapsack tank 1/3 to 1/2 full of clean water and add the TOPPED-15. Gently stir  till its contents fully dissolve and then add the rest of the water to the tank.

TRIZOLE – Tricyclazole 75% WP

  • TRIZOLE is used world wide as the most acceptable fungicide for Blast control
  • TRIZOLE is highly systemic in nature and is not removed by rain water. Rains may actually increase the rate of TRIZOLE absorption.
  • TRIZOLE does not allow blast disease to enter the rice plant.
  • TRIZOLE also checks the further development of blast disease to other parts.
  • TRIZOLE is stable during prolonged storage and dissolves rapidly in water.
  • TRIZOLE because of its preventive action reduces the chaffy & broken grains and also increases the quality & yield of the rice field.
  • Multiapplication methods such as flat drench, transplant root soak or foliar applications are possible
Mode of Action:Systemic fungicide absorbed rapidly by the roots, with translocation through the plant.Targeted Crops:RiceTargeted Diseases:


TUDIO-Thiamethoxam 25% wg

  •  TUDION contains THIAMETHOXAM 25% WG. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide. It is novel for controlling various sucking insect pests in many crops. It is a very good insecticide for various sucking pests which have developed resistance to other conventional insecticides. It has good translaminar action.
  • It is Recommended for its use to control stem borer gall midge, leaf folder, brown plant hopper, white backed plant hopper, green leaf hopper, thrips, aphids, jassids and whitefly.
  • It is Widely used on a Large Range of Plants including Vegetables, Ornamentals, Coffee  Cotton Tropical Plantations, Rice and Potatoes in Home Garden , Nursery & For Agricultural Use..
Mode of Action:It is absorbed quickly by plants and transported to all of its parts, including pollen, where it acts to deter insect feeding. An insect can absorb it in its stomach after feeding, or through direct contact, including through its tracheal system. The compound gets in the way of information transfer between nerve cells by interfering with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the central nervous system, and eventually paralyzes the muscles of the insects.Being a systemic insecticide should be applied at recommended dose at initial stage of infestation. It is advisable to alternate with other groups of insecticides to avoid resistance problems in the long run.Mode of Action:Rice, Cotton, Okra, Mango, Wheat, Mustard, Tomato, Brinjal, Tea, Potato, Citrus-40-80 – gram/Acre, Rice NUrsery Soil Drenching-800 gram/Acre

Weera-Diafenthiuron 50% WP

Weera (Diafenthiuron 50% WP) belongs to a unique chemical group allowing control of insects and mites resistant to major chemical classes such as OPs or Pyrethroids. Weera controls nymphs and adults and gives longer lasting control. Weera degrades into a urea derivative resulting in a phytotonic effect & selective to beneficial insects thus best fit in IPM programs.It is a pro-insecticide, which has first to be converted to its active form. The active compound then acts on a specific part of the energy-producing enzymes in the mitochondria. This results in immediate paralysis of the pest after intake or contact with the product.CropsCotton,Cabbage,Brinjal,Chilli,Cardamom,Citrus Targeted PestWhiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Jassids, Diamond Back Moth, Mites,Capsule Borer Features & BenefitsWeera is a broad spectrum insecticide which controls sucking complex and mites as well. Weera has trans laminar action, which allows control of hidden pests in plant canopy & has vapour action and works well in dense crops and in large fields. Weera has quick knockdown through immediate paralysis of the pest.Pager is safe to beneficial insects & suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme.